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green tech

Biz & Tech - Go Green to
Biz & Tech

Going green isn’t just good for attracting customers. It’s also good for saving money, improving your reputation, finding quality talent, and creating a healthier workplace.

By Andy Horvitz

13 min read

Technology - It’s Time to

Customers are more concerned than ever about how much the companies they do business with care about the environment and the planet's future.

By Damian Scalerandi

13 min read

Technology - Technology for the

Using technology for the social good — addressing challenges like global hunger and accessible transportation — could change our world for the better.

By Paul Azorin

12 min read

Innovation - Sustainability of Tomorrow:

Technology implemented in the world of building helps ensure a cleaner, healthier environment for the future while also lowering energy use, costs and giving building owners more control over the elements of their structures.

By Michael Warren

6 min read

Software Development - What is Sustainable
Software Development

As the world fights against climate we can do our part by creating sustainable web pages with ecologically conscious technology.

By Rocío Belfiore

6 min read

Innovation - The Coming Renewables

While the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions is certainly a factor in why renewables are booming, another huge contributing factor is simple economics.

By Jeff Moore

5 min read

Biz & Tech - How Technology is
Biz & Tech

ESGs scores are an important indicator of a company’s social capital. Technology can bolster ESG measurements, helping corporations build better strategies while aiding investors with decision-making.

By Melissa Olander

6 min read

Green Tech

Green Tech will lead us to a better, healthier, and more sustainable planet for our generation and future generations.

By Guillermo Carreras

5 min read

Global Challenges

When it comes to technology, some people seem like luddites. They only see the downsides of it - and they use them to oppose new technological advancements. From the privacy scandals surrounding big tech companies to the whole “playing God” around genetic tech, it’s easy to see where they come from.  However, if we choose [...]

By Michael Kucinsky

7 min read

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