(75)Copilot is an AI-programming coding assistant that makes predictions based on your code. Is productivity going to increase thanks to it or should we be wary?
By James Miller
6 min read
When collaboration fails, productivity collapses. How can you improve this crucial facet with your teams?
By Ezequiel Ruiz
5 min read
Your developers face unique and considerable challenges other staff members don't. Are you aware of them?
By Robert Butler
5 min read
The ability to program isn't the only talent that makes an outstanding software engineer.
By Ezequiel Ruiz
6 min read
Don't leave your developers in the lurch when they run into problems.
By Melissa Olander
6 min read
When hiring new developers, use these tips to make your decision easier.
By Melisa Cabrera
5 min read
Website developers and game developers may sound like they’d be the same job description to those outside of the industry. However, these career paths require totally different mindsets and skillsets to get the job done.
By James Miller
5 min read
Your company needs to be able to keep software engineers happy, so they remain loyal and productive. Here are a few tips.
By Melissa Olander
6 min read
Without a solid understanding of Linux, developers aren't much help to the modern business.
By Jeff Moore
5 min read
Software development has seen greater demand for services and increased productivity since the beginning of the pandemic — allowing businesses to reach new heights.
By Ezequiel Ruiz
5 min read
As the world changes dramatically, so do the responsibilities of and expectations for software developers, who play such a pivotal role in advancing society.
By Melisa Cabrera
5 min read
Hiring engineers will have you looking at technical and soft skills. But you should definitely go beyond them and also consider these “X factors.”
By Melisa Cabrera
6 min read
Discover the astonishing number of software developers globally. Unearth surprising statistics and trends in the tech industry today!
By Michael Warren
10 min read
The demand for top software developers is fierce. But with sound strategies, employers can manage to attract and retain top tech professionals.
By Elsa Bouilhol
5 min read
Find out what this paradigm-changing concept is and the most popular languages that are considered to be a fundamental part of its success.
By Chris Taylor
11 min read